Wow Thank You to everyone who applied to be in the Focus Group for my New Wallet!
The response was overwhelming and I had to edit down the list and only take about 10 applicants of the total applicants just to keep the size of the group manageable.
But don’t worry over the coming weeks I’ll be welcoming more Mighty Fans to the group as we expand into more areas that require a wider audience. You can still apply here. Ideally I’m seeking fans with mini Mighty Wallet user experience but it doesn't have to be exclusively.

Design Update - Materials and Sources
This week I’ve procured the materials, sources and finalized most of the elements of the design.
There is still a long way to go to bring the product to life and these steps are going to be critical but can only be decided after more testing and feedback. It’s not just the materials that make the wallet, it's ensuring that the production methods and processes are easy and streamlined to make the wallet easy to produce.
This new design incorporates a lot of the customer feedback I’ve received from so many of you over the years. In fact the design evolution of all of my wallets have been in a reaction to your feedback and perspective.
The Evolution of Tyvek Wallet Designs
The Mighty Wallet was the first Tyvek Wallet and it did achieve so much of what I wanted out of the design. Looking back I’m blown away by the fact that this design has stood the test of time with 20 years of Mighty Fans carrying me to this point.
Both the mini Mighty and the stitched billfolds were reactions to trends in the marketplace and from what customers were asking to see that Mighty Wallet didn’t provide.
The New Wallet design really takes it a step further by incorporating functionality and design features that are both totally brand new and also satisfying some requests that fans have had for many years.
I feel like there has been a perfect coalescing of materials, technology and functionality that have come together to make this New Wallet so cool. I can’t wait to share it with you in November.
Best regards,